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- They Tread Softly and Silently
They Tread Softly and Silently

They Tread Softly and Silently
A coloured pencil drawing of a scene in Africa of an Elephant herd softly and silently walking pass.
A coloured pencil drawing of a scene in Africa of an Elephant herd softly and silently walking pass.
These huge beasts are perhaps the most fascinating creatures on earth
I remember one night camping out in sleeping bags on the bare ground in Hwange NP in woodlands monitoring the activities of the African Painted Dog. We were suddenly disturbed by cracking branches and the flickering light from our protective fire revealed we were surrounded by elephants!
Except for the sound of their feeding and rumbling stomachs there giant creature move around us in complete silence. They bore no malice.
The drawing shows a family herd travelling almost in single file and silently across the lakeside flats of Lake Manyara National Park, Tanzania.